
学生可以选择这样做 校园试镜 或提交预先录制的试镜视频. 所有的视频试镜都通过学生的 洛约拉应用门户. A purely audio audition (without video) is unacceptable and will not be reviewed. 申请音乐教育, 音乐疗法 and the BM in Music Industry Studies need to audition with their primary instrument. 


Flute | Oboe | Clarinet | Bassoon | Classical Saxophone | Trumpet | Horn | Trombone | Tuba | Euphonium


  • Two contrasting pieces/movements/etudes from standard repertoire, performed unaccompanied
  • All major scales and chromatic scale covering the practical range of the instrument
  • 可选:一件在第二乐器或爵士/标准歌曲

问题? 联系 Dr. 尼克中场


  • 开-闭-开风格的标准鼓入门
  • 小鼓初级风格的独奏或练习曲
  • 键盘打击独奏或练习曲使用2和/或4槌技术 
  • 定音鼓独奏或练习曲
  • 可选:基本爵士风格(摇摆,波萨,放克等)的演示.)在鼓组上或在次要乐器上的一段

问题? 联系 Dr. 尼克中场


  • 申请人须准备两件风格迥异的作品(如.e. 一个是技术性的,另一个是抒情性的)来自标准曲目. 选段可以是奏鸣曲、协奏曲、练习曲等的乐章. 无人陪伴的
  • One major and one minor scale of your choice: 3 octaves, at least 2 notes per bow
  • Sight reading proficiency will be tested for applicants auditioning on-campus: Applicants will be asked to perform 4-8 measures of orchestral excerpts

问题? 联系 艾米Thiaville

Applicants should prepare two standard orchestral excerpts in contrasting styles. 无人陪伴的

  • 申请人应准备两件风格迥异的作品(文艺复兴风格), 巴洛克式的, 经典, 浪漫的, 或当代)来自标准曲目-无伴奏
  • 申请人必须凭记忆进行选择

问题? 联系 Dr. 吉恩·蒙特斯

The organ instruction method that is taught at Loyola University is grounded in good basic piano technique, an approach that was taught in the late 19th and early to mid-20th centuries. Proponents of this method were French organ virtuosi and teachers like Charles Marie Widor and Marcel Dupré, 以及林伍德·法纳姆等美国同行, 哈罗德·格里森, 米尔德里德安德鲁斯, 凯瑟琳·克罗泽和克莱德·霍洛威. 在最严格的技术意义上, 如果未来的学生已经发展了扎实的钢琴技术, 他们还不需要上任何风琴课. The piano repertoire level necessary would necessarily include some of the Bach Two-Part Inventions and some Preludes and Fugues from the Well-Tempered Clavier. Works by later composers would include: Mozart Piano Sonatas; earlier Beethoven Piano Sonatas; Mendelssohn Songs Without Words; 肖邦 Preludes and Waltzes; and, 罗伯特·舒曼和约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯的小型作品.

如果未来的学生已经进行过器官研究, 他们应准备至少两首以下的管风琴作品:

1. 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫的原创管风琴作品, 最好是难度一般的, 如:

  • Any of the Preludes, Toccatas or Fugues, including the smaller-scale early ones
  • 任何赞美诗前奏曲,包括orgelb合唱
  • 三重奏奏鸣曲中的一个乐章

2. A second piece of contrasting style and time period of at least moderate difficulty. Preferable would be an original organ composition written in the 19th century, 如:

  • 门德尔松或勃拉姆斯的任何作品
  • Any of the twelve major organ compositions of César Franck -Anything by Charles Marie Widor, 亚历山大Guilmant, Eugène Gigout or Léon Boëllmann The second piece may also be by one of Bach’s predecessors or contemporaries such as François Couperin, 迪特里希Buxtehude, J. G. 沃尔特和文森特·莱尔贝克.


  • Anything by Louis Vierne, Joseph Jongen, Jean Langlais, Marcel Dupré or Maurice Duruflé ;
  • 任何奥利维尔·梅西安或耶汉·阿兰的作品;
  • Paul hindemmith的三首管风琴奏鸣曲中的任何一个乐章;
  • 美国作曲家原创管风琴作品.

如果学生已经学会了如何演奏赞美诗, they will also be asked to play a standard hymn with minimum preparation time.

如果未来的学生在管风琴试音, they will be given preparation and practice time at the organ used for the audition, and should plan to arrive in 新奥尔良 at least two days before the scheduled audition date to have ample time to prepare. The identity of the builder and the specification of the organ will be sent to the prospective student ahead of time, as well as information about the church or synagogue in which it is located. The instrument for the audition will be selected to suit the repertoire of the prospective student; hence, the student should submit the list of audition repertoire at least two weeks before the audition date.

Applicants should prepare two jazz or standard songs in contrasting styles (memorization is encouraged):

  • 第一种是中快节奏的摇摆风格:蓝调或标准旋律
  • 第二段是慢民谣,展示了爵士乐的诠释
  • 准备好对两种选择进行即兴表演

申请者将用他们自己选择的爵士背景音乐进行试镜. 鼓励您使用资源,例如 learnjazzstandards.com 为你的试镜做准备. Students should be prepared to play a short excerpt of a jazz solo transcription performed along with the original recording. If the student is submitting a video audition, this transcription is optional.

问题? 联系 Dr. 戈登殴打

Applicants should prepare two jazz or standard songs in contrasting styles (memorization is encouraged):

  • 第一种是中快节奏的摇摆风格:蓝调或标准旋律
  • 第二段是慢民谣,展示了爵士乐的诠释
  • 准备好对两种选择进行即兴表演

申请者将用他们自己选择的爵士背景音乐进行试镜. 鼓励您使用资源,例如 learnjazzstandards.com 为你的试镜做准备. Students should be prepared to play a short excerpt of a jazz solo transcription performed along with the original recording. If the student is submitting a video audition, this transcription is optional.

问题? 联系 Dr. 戈登殴打

Applicants should prepare two jazz or standard songs in contrasting styles (memorization is encouraged):

  • 第一种是中快节奏的摇摆风格:蓝调或标准旋律
  • 第二段是慢民谣,展示了爵士乐的诠释
  • 准备好对两种选择进行即兴表演 and a walking bass line

申请者将用他们自己选择的爵士背景音乐进行试镜. 鼓励您使用资源,例如 learnjazzstandards.com 为你的试镜做准备. Students should be prepared to play a short excerpt of a jazz solo transcription performed along with the original recording. If the student is submitting a video audition, this transcription is optional.

问题? 联系 Dr. 戈登殴打

Applicants should prepare two jazz or standard songs in contrasting styles (memorization is encouraged):

  • 第一种是中快节奏的摇摆风格:蓝调或标准旋律
  • 第二段是慢民谣,展示了爵士乐的诠释
  • 准备好对两种选择进行即兴表演

鼓励您使用资源,例如 learnjazzstandards.com 为你的试镜做准备. Students should be prepared to play a short excerpt of a jazz solo transcription performed along with the original recording. If the student is submitting a video audition, this transcription is optional.

问题? 联系 Dr. 戈登殴打

  • Applicants will be asked to demonstrate proficiency in the basic styles: Swing, 洗牌, 之旅, 放克和拉丁凹槽
  • 准备好展示单手交易(交易4或8), 刷玩, 然后念一段简短的乐队节选
  • Play-alongs are encouraged if the tunes selected are in an appropriate style. 鼓励您使用资源,例如 learnjazzstandards.com 为你的试镜做准备
  • Ability in mallet percussion and 经典 styles may also be demonstrated
  • Students should be prepared to play a short excerpt of a jazz solo transcription performed along with the original recording. If the student is submitting a video audition, this transcription is optional.

问题? 联系 Dr. 戈登殴打

Applicants should prepare two jazz or standard songs in contrasting styles (memorization is encouraged):

  • 准备对其中一个或两个选段进行即兴表演
  • 鼓励您使用资源,例如 learnjazzstandards.com 为你的试镜做准备

申请者将用他们自己选择的爵士背景音乐进行试镜. Students should be prepared to play a short excerpt of a jazz solo transcription performed along with the original recording. If the student is submitting a video audition, this transcription must be is optional.

问题? 联系 Dr. 戈登殴打

面试的申请人 音乐表演学士学位 专业应准备:

  • J的作品.S. 巴赫(WTC序曲和赋格,法语或英语组曲,Partita)
  • 海顿、莫扎特或贝多芬奏鸣曲中两个对比鲜明的乐章
  • 19世纪或20世纪的作品(例如, 肖邦, 李斯特, 舒曼, 德彪西, 拉威尔, 拉赫玛尼诺夫, 普罗科菲耶夫)
  • Candidates should also be able to play all major and minor scales and arpeggios (4 octaves) in a moderately rapid tempo

参加面试的申请人 音乐疗法, Music Industry, Music with Elective Studies, Music Composition, or 音乐教育 以钢琴为主要乐器应准备的:

  • All major and minor scales and arpeggios (2 octaves) in a moderately rapid tempo
  • 巴洛克时期的作品(如J.S. 巴赫的发明或交响乐, 组曲或组曲中的舞蹈/动作, 前奏曲和赋格, 或斯卡拉蒂奏鸣曲)
  • One additional work of the applicant's choice (Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic, 20th Century)

问题? 联系 Dr. 布莱恩许

  • 歌手应该从艺术歌曲中准备三段对比鲜明的选段, 咏叹调, 精神上的, 或经典的百老汇剧目.
    • 你的选择之一必须是一门外语
    • NO jazz tunes, original songs, songs with lead sheets, pop or pop/Broadway, or a cappella songs
    • 完整的歌曲必须凭记忆演唱

问题? 联系 Dr. 泰勒史密斯

音乐教育 applicants will need to interview and audition for admission to Loyola. Please prepare to audition with your primary instrument and see the requirements per instrument in the sections above.

申请人可以通过您的网站注册他们的试镜和面试 洛约拉应用门户. You should have received access to this portal 24 hours after submitting your application. 

问题? 联系 Dr. 埃德•麦克莱伦

音乐疗法 applicants will need to interview and audition for admission to Loyola. Please prepare to audition with your primary instrument and see the requirements per instrument in the sections above.

申请人可以通过您的网站注册他们的试镜和面试 洛约拉应用门户. You should have received access to this portal 24 hours after submitting your application. 

问题? 联系 Dr. 梅格·弗雷泽

音乐产业研究(BM) applicants will need to interview and audition for admission to Loyola. Please prepare to audition with your primary instrument and see the requirements per instrument in the sections above.

申请人可以通过您的网站注册他们的试镜和面试 洛约拉应用门户. You should have received access to this portal 24 hours after submitting your application. 

问题? 联系 蒂莫西卡柏

流行音乐和商业音乐 applicants will need to audition for admission to Loyola. 请通过复习来准备你的主要乐器 这些需求.

申请者可以通过他们的 洛约拉应用门户, which they should have received access to within 24 hours of submitting their application. 

问题? 联系 凯特·邓肯


申请人可以通过他们的 洛约拉应用门户, which they should have received access to within 24 hours of submitting their application. 

问题? 联系 凯特·邓肯

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