认证 & 国家授权


MG游戏官方网站 is accredited by the Southern Association of 大学 and Schools Commission on 大学 (SACSCOC) to award associate, 学士学位, 大师, 还有博士学位. Degree-granting institutions also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of MG游戏官方网站 may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of 大学 and Schools Commission on 大学 at 1866 Southern Lane, 迪凯特, GA 30033-4097, 请拨打(404)679-4500, 或使用SACSCOC网站(www.sacscoc)提供的信息.sacscoc.org).

SACSCOC标志SACSCOC is the regional body for the accreditation of degree-granting higher education institutions in the Southern states. The Commission’s mission is to assure the educational quality and improve the effectiveness of its member institutions by ensuring that they meet standards established by the higher education community that address the needs of society and students. It serves as the common denominator of shared values and practices among the diverse institutions in Alabama, 佛罗里达, 乔治亚州, 肯塔基州, 路易斯安那州, 密西西比州, 北卡罗莱纳, 南卡罗来纳, 田纳西州, 德州, 维吉尼亚州, 拉丁美洲, and other international sites approved by SACSCOC that award 学士学位, 硕士, 或者博士学位.

认证 by SACSCOC signifies that the institution (1) has a mission appropriate to higher education, (2)有资源, 项目, and services sufficient to accomplish and sustain that mission, and (3) maintains clearly specified educational objectives that are consistent with its mission and appropriate to the degrees its offers, and that indicate whether it is successful in achieving its stated objectives.


  • 美国大学护理教育委员会
  • 路易斯安那州护理委员会
  • 美国高等商学院协会
  • The Council for 认证 of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP)
  • Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC)
  • 全国音乐学校协会
  • 美国律师协会
  • 美国法学院协会
  • 美国化学会(ACS)
  • 公共关系教育证书(CEPR)


罗耀拉大学, a corporation organized under the laws of this State and domiciled in the City of 新奥尔良, 有权授予学生学位吗, 或任何被它认为配得上这种荣誉的人, degrees in the arts and sciences and all the learned professions, such as are granted by other universities in the United States, and to give diplomas or certificates thereof; provided that the curriculum or course of study in the learned professions shall equal that maintained by other standard universities. 路易斯安那州修订法令第2075条

The US Department of Education requires that any institution offering distance education 项目 to students outside of its home state to acquire authorization from the states in which students are located.

NC-SARA标志MG游戏官方网站 participates in the 国家授权 Reciprocity Agreements. The SARA – 国家授权 Reciprocity Agreements initiative is a voluntary agreement among 49 成员国, 哥伦比亚特区, 波多黎各, 和美国.S. 属维尔京群岛. The agreement establishes comparable national standards for interstate offerings of postsecondary distance education; participating colleges and universities must adhere to stringent requirements, including accreditation and remaining in good financial standing. As a SARA participating institution, Loyola is able to offer its online 项目 in SARA 成员国.

目前,加州没有参与SARA. It also does not require out-of-state non-profit accredited institutions like Loyola to register online 项目 without a physical presence with the State.


Loyola Licensure -Track Programs might require additional state authorization to operate in some states. 请参阅 护理学院国家授权名单 获得国家护理学院的批准.




SARA has no effect on State professional licensing requirements. Any Institution approved to participate in SARA that offers courses or 项目 designed to lead to 专业的许可 or certification or advertised as leading to Licensure must satisfy all federal requirements for disclosures regarding such 专业的许可 项目 under 34 §C.F.R. 668.43. 另外, 作为SARA的参与机构, Loyola makes all reasonable attempts to determine whether a Loyola licensure track program will meet state professional licensure requirements.

The 2019 Department of Education Higher Education Rule requires that Loyola provide 公布的专业执照披露 by state for all Loyola licensure track 项目 regardless of modality. 1) A list of all states for which the institution has determined its curriculum 满足 国家对执照的教育要求 or certification. 2) A list of all States for which the institution has determined that its curriculum 不符合 国家对执照的教育要求.

The Rule also requires that Loyola make direct individual written disclosures related to professional licensure when Loyola has been able to determine that a program 不符合 the state requirements for professional licensure or certification. 洛约拉通过电子邮件做到这一点. 另外, we advise the student or applicant to determine whether the program 满足 requirements for Licensure in the State where the student or applicant is located.

Relocating during the course of a program to another state may impact state licensure requirements, 实习机会, 和/或联邦财政援助. 搬迁前, please contact your program advisor to discuss the potential impact for your individual situation.